Monday, April 10, 2006

Mandisa Says She's Not a Gay 'Advocate'

Typical American thinking...
Is ousted "American Idol" contestant Mandisa anti-gay? The 29-year-old soul singer and outspoken Christian, who was voted off the hit Fox show Wednesday, says she would not perform at an event held in support of the gay community.

Mandisa, a native of Antioch, Tenn., tells Advocate magazine, "Based on what I believe, I'm not an advocate for (being gay), so it's nothing I would take part in."   More >>>>>

If you're not "for" something, you MUST be "against" it.
Does anyone not believe in neutral anymore?
Poor Mandisa!
We still love her!
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5 are talkin':

Anonymous said...

When you are a performer you are basically singing for all people to enjoy your music irregardless of your sexual orientation, right?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe they kicked her off! I thought Mandisa was really talented and wanted her to win.

Beauty Secrets 101

Anonymous said...

I didn't think she was THAT talented!

Anonymous said...

I didn't either really. I thought she rode the wave of Simon's insult more than anything.

Guilt can only play out so far.