Latest Idol Gossip
Apparently the following information that came via MJ's Big Blog which came from Idolonfox forums has been deleted. Thankfully, MJ was able to get the goods before it went Poof!
Check it out...
Over on the Official Forums, somebody who calls him/herself "Idol Informant" and claims to be a "fired" Idol employee posted the following Theme-night schedule:
Top 9 (Country)
Top 8 (Queen)
Top 7 (Rod Stewart)
Top 6 (Songs of Past American Idols)
Top 5 (Disco)
About Taylor Hicks:
- "As far as the gray haired man. He's been cutting back on his Ray Charles antics...but you can only tame a beast for so long" and "He's being 'trained' in case he manages to win" and "Taylor is one of the higher vote getters, they are just trying to keep him normal. They aren't trying to change him but at points in the Top 24 he was a little out there."
About Ace Young:
- "The brown haired cutie is on nobody's winner list anymore." (I took that as he wasn't favored to win anymore).
More Gossip from Informant:
- That a certain blonde contestant is not as nice as she puts off. Having an attitude with assistants.
- A certain bald man will have all the crew crying if he leaves, that's how nice he is.
- Paula was almost fired.
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