Which Harry Potter Book was Your Favorite?
Char over at Weary Parent is asking which Harry Potter Book was your favorite?
Number 6 was a favorite of mine, course I also loved all those underwater descriptions. Can't wait to see the movie for that one. Head on over and vote for your favorite book and don't forget to come back here and let me know which one ya liked and why.
Another question.... are you getting the NEW Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) today? Or will you be waiting for a while? Mine just came in the mail, that's right I pre-ordered it so I wouldn't have to wait in line. Course that only drove me nuts as I went to a Harry Potter
Party last night and knew I wouldn't be reading the book.
Why am I online instead of reading that wonderful book? Two reasons....one is because I'm waiting to take a picture of it for all of you. Two because the moment I begin to read it I'll be entering that world and won't be coming back until I'm finished and once I'm done I'll be sad. So, I'm also stalling.
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